Monday, 28 April 2008

you suck at photardshop... #3

yes. you do. and it's depressing. sort it. up this week, cloning.

hit it up. mydamnchannel.

liking this? giv'em some credit over at the webbyawards.

the motherland

i recently did my critical studies essay on socially, politically and culturally, powerful and changing graphic design. i decided to look at constructivism and its effects on the russian revolution. i wish i had this article then. alas, it is still an interesting read and has some amazing examples of early graphic design from the 1920's up until 1970. link to the article over on crestock after the jump. 

article here.

also, some links i found at the end of the article and from sifting through comments. a blog seeming to post a different soviet propaganda poster a day, here, and a russian site (in english too) cataloguing russian graphic design here.


kinetic typography. as showed to us by fred today. i've liked this piece for a long while and brought it into a couple of ppd sessions before now. REALLY wants to make me learn flash/after effects and final cut. whatever the hell was used.

by jarretmoody. hit the link and check more of his stuff out.

some more stuff by olivierbeaudoin entitled 'typolution'. very organic feel to this. seems to be done purely as an illustrative type project rather than worded expression of a film.

and just a bit of fear and loathing for good measure really..? (if you haven't seen this movie, watch it, now, do it now, stop whatever you are doing, and just watch it).


Friday, 25 April 2008

the biz?

here's quite a cool idea for a business card,  a break-out lockpick set. two near identical designs, one for and the other for kevin mitnick, both professional hackers come computer security experts. apparntly had the orignal idea and was  adopted and changed (with permission of course) by mitnick for his own use.


Wednesday, 2 April 2008

pocket rainbow

now i don't have a clue what the hell the text says from the site (it's in japanese), but i'm sure it says something along the lines of 'this book is definitely cool'.

check it out @